Day Lily weave by Linda John

Woven Day Lily in Porcelain Frame,

by Linda John


I work with Plant Fibres and Ceramic,

sometimes in combination.




Pinched form with Olive Branch

Pinched Form

(with Olive Branch)

Phormium tenax - New Zealand flax

New Zealand Flax Fibres

(phormium tenax)


The piece below is woven from

many different plants.




Woven wall piece by Linda John

(left to right)

Red Hot Poker  (Knifofia)

Bearded Iris  (Iris germanica)

Day Lily  (Hemerocallis)

Montbretia  (Crocosmia x crocosmiliflora)

Crocosmia  (Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’)

Kaffir Lily  (Hesperantha Red)

Pond Iris  (Iris Laevigata Variegata)

Stinking Iris  (Iris foetidissima)


Pumpkin  (Curcurbita pepo)